Sunday, June 12, 2011

Defending a truth

Sticking to a famous quotation stating that one should be seeking truth and accept it, no matter which source it comes from, is hard to practice and handle in our society.
It is often a miserable situation when the same clashes with people's presumptuous and perceived mindsets and you have to prove it feeling defensive of a big offending lie. You can never, offcourse, question the lie, either way.
There are always some universal moral and ethical values that unfortunately are never understood. Our society in specific, when criticized, raise fingers on the person making him guilty of proposing something relatively considered as an alien model inspired from a foreign culture. The problem gets worsen when one has not only to spread a good view but also to defend it.
We have already rejected the ideal morals proposed by our religions, now when they are shaped as developed civilized models, we hardly find them charming on the view that they clash with our divine teachings.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Killing of a young boy, The brutality in the state of denial

A young man, named Sarfraz had been shot down by Rangers publicly on the eve of 8th June, in Benazir Bhutto Park, Boat Basin area of Karachi. He was involved in a crime according to Mr. Rehman MalikInterior Minister. The rangers stated that he was killed in an encounter.

Those who have seen the video of this incident, captured by public present there, must'v observed the encounter. The encounter with a helpless, empty handed boy, student of 10th class. Well, if he was involved in a crime (looting as mentioned), how does this crime renders him executable in public by a ranger? Is there no legislation in country, does the constitution allows people to show this brutality on their own will? The poor soul was shot in  was left bleeding to death.

The humanity and sensibility must'v mourned over the cold bloodedness of 5 Rangers standing there. I recall the brutality on the face of killer when he fired from his G5, another person holding the boy from his hair. They seemed least human to me. These are saviors of public, but public needs saviors to save them from these people.