Friday, July 22, 2011

KESC Letter to its consumers regarding the nuisance created by some people

Dear Customers,
As you are all aware of the grave situation KESC has been facing for the past over 2 months. Hostile attacks on people and property and threats by union miscreants have crippled company’s operations.
Despite all odds KESC’s management, officers and workers have been relentlessly working day in and day out for the relief and comfort for the people of Karachi. However, we have now reached a unfortunate point where continuing field operations and repair and maintenance work, in the absence of law enforcement and protection of our people and other assets is no longer possible.
KESC has gone beyond the call of duty in the most dangerous of situations, but some of the recent incidents, especially those on July 20, 2011 suggest that our lives are gravely endangered, especially where law enforcement seems to be siding with the offender.